Responsibility of Scanning Companies


Upon receipt of the three copies of the Form 'M', pro-forma invoice and other necessary pre-import documents, the Scanning Companies shall:

  1. Carry out a preliminary review on the application, using information provided therein and accept or reject the Form M within one working day.
  2. If " ACCEPTED", the SC shall distribute copies of the Form 'M' as follows: 
    • One to be retained by them
    • Copy to the Customs Area Command (CAC), Port of clearance of goods Customs Headquarters
  3. The importer shall then procure the foreign exchange through his bank, if it is a Letter of Credit transaction and also advise the supplier to arrange for shipment of the goods.
  4. If the Form “M” is “REJECTED”, the affected SC shall return all the copies of the documents to the bank for necessary rectification.
  5. The authorized dealer bank shall forward all the import documents to the Scanning Companies for the purpose of generating Risk Assessment Report (RAR)
  6. The Scanning Company shall generate Risk Assessment Report (RAR) not latter than five (5) working days in the case of shipment by sea and two (2) working days in the case of shipment by Air/Land after receipt of Import Document and Form ‘M’ from Authorized Dealer Bank. Shall provide the Shipping Companies with relevant details from the accepted Form ‘M’.
  7. Shall provide the Shipping Companies with relevant details from the accepted Form ‘M’.