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Clearance Procedures (ASYCUDA ++ sites)

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The procedures outlined in this document may be subject to change as the project progresses. More features may be added or removed as infrastructures are improved upon.

  1. Declarants
    • Complete the SGDs. The declarants may refer to their copies of the RAR (produced by the Scanning Companies and received through the banks) to prepare the SGD.
    • Fill a Payment Schedule (Form Sale 156) with all calculated duties and taxes to be paid on the SGD, and make the payment at the bank.
    • Attach all the necessary and supporting documents, i.e. final invoice and CCVO, pro-forma invoice, bill of lading, insurance certificate payment schedule, payment receipts, RAR, copy of "Form M" SONCAP (where necessary), … etc
    • Present the completed SGDs along with the attached documents to the designated Face Vet Officers.
  2. Face Vet: 
    • Check basic details of the SGDs. Check that required documents are attached.
    • Check and verify receipts of duty payment.
    • Return SGDs back to declarants for correction and/or completion of missing data and/or documents.
    • Refer the checked SGDs to the Technical Supervisor.
  3. Technical Supervisor:  
    • Streamline the flow of SGDs for control by Data Capture.
  4. Data Capture:  
    • Input the SGDs and the manifest details into ASYCUDA++ respective modules.
    • Register the declarations in ASYCUDA++.
    • Print the ASYCUDA++ declarations.
    • Refer the entries to Verification & Query Seat.
  5. Verification & Query Seat/ ASYCUDA CPC: 
    • Receives RAR messages from the Scanning Company (SC).
    • Checks details of the ASYCUDA++ SGDs against the attached documents, but with emphasis on the values and commodity codes of the goods.
    • Requests the assessment of the declarations, thus the ASYCUDA++ selectivity is triggered.  Lanes of the declarations are automatically determined. If scanners are  in  place, then declarations are selected on Green, Blue, Yellow or Red lanes,  otherwise declarations  are routed to Green, Blue or Red lanes only.
    • Possibility of upgrading to the next level of examination based on the lanes selected  by the system and risk-related information provided by the RAR messages.
    • Stamp the ASYCUDA++ SGD with the selected lane and the name of the inspector knowing that the ASYCUDA++ System assigns the inspectors for examination of the consignments automatically. The terminal copies of the manual SGD are stamped with the selected lane stamp, as well. The importer copy is to be delivered to the respective shipping line/ company.
  6. If any discrepancy is found, then it shall be entered into the ASYCUDA++ Inspection Report, and the declaration is modified and returned to the declarant to sign and stamp. If a dispute continues to exist, then dispute settlement mechanisms are followed. These may include allowing the importer to clear his goods on bank indemnity, application for a tariff decision from the Tariff and Trade Department of NCS, an appeal to Hon. Minister of Finance, WCO or ultimately taking the dispute to a Court of competent jurisdiction.

    For Yellow Lane SGDs, Assessment Notices are printed so that declarants can pay additional duties and taxes at the bank (if necessary).
    At this point, CPC has completed the verification process and some discrepancies may be found for Red Lane SGDs. But since other discrepancies can be discovered as a result of physical inspection of goods, and to reduce the number of incidences of further payment at the bank, then all additional payments of Red Lane declrations can be made after the physical examination is carried out.

    If on Green Lane:
    Assess the declaration, and then the payment details can be input by the Accounts Officers at CPC.Print the Release Order, and attach it to the SGD.

    If on Yellow Lane:
    Hold the documents until the payment of duties and taxes are confirmed (cleared by the bank).If so, a terminal copy of the SGD is stamped with the ALS (Authorization to Load for Scanning) stamp so that the declarant can start release procedures at NPA. The rest of the documents are referred to Sorting.

    If on Red Lane:
    The documents are referred to Sorting.

    If on Fast Track:
    Redlined entries are re-routed to blue, and the same Green Lane procedures will apply for these declarations. Later, the physical inspection will be carried out at the importers' premises. If, on the other hand, a fast track entry is selected on Yellow, then Yellow Lane procedures should apply.

  7. Sorting:The (8) copies of SGD are sorted according to the lane of the declaration. 
    • If on Red Lane: Copies no. 1, 4, 5, and 7 go to terminals via Dispatch
      • Copy no. 2 to valuation(statistics copy) for further analysis of the value
      • Copy no. 3 to Accounts,
      • Copy no. 6 to the declarant through the Paging/ Importer Copy Seat,
      • While copy no. 8 goes to the Central File.
    • If on Green or Blue Lane: No copies are dispatched to terminals for inspection
    • If on Yellow Lane: The rest of the terminal copies, after excluding the ALS-stamped copy which was delivered to NPA, go to the Customs office at the scanning site.
  8. Dispatch: Record the numbers of the SGDs that are to be dispatched.
  9. Terminals/ Scanning Site:
    • If on Green or Blue Lane: Consignments related to declarations marked on the Green  or Blue Lane should start release procedures at once. No effort by the Customs staff at either the terminals or the scanning site is required for Green or Blue Lane declarations.
    • If on Red Lane: Inspectors physically examine the goods marked for that purpose by the  Verification & Query Seat. Inspection is carried out jointly with the  representatives of the other concerned agencies, (as approved by Government), and in the presence of the declarants. The findings of physical inspection are entered in the "Inspection Report" of the ASYCUDA++ by the Assessment Officers at the terminals, and then re-routed to Green Lane and assessed. Following the exchange of messages with the Accounts Officers at CPC, where the payment details are input into ASYCUDA++, Release Orders can be printed by the Assessment Officer at the terminal, and attached to declarations. The Officer in  Charge of the terminal issues Demand Notice/ Assessment Notice of any additional payment that is to be made if any discrepancy is found as a result of physical examination and/or verification of documents as performed by the Verification and Query Seat.
    • If on Yellow Lane: 
      • Containers which were selected on Yellow Lane can be loaded on trucks in accordance with NPA procedures, and then head to the scanning site.
      • The findings of scanning are entered in the "Inspection Report" of the ASYCUDA++ by the Assessment Officers at the scanning site, and then re-routed to Green Lane and assessed.
      • Input payment details into ASYCUDA++ by the Accounts Officer at the scanning site.
      • The Officer in Charge of the Customs Office at the scanning site issues Demand Notice/ Assessment Notice of any additional payment that is to be made if any discrepancy is found as a result of physical examination or scanning. However, for containers that are returned back to terminals because of the limited space of the holding area, then the Red Lane procedures will apply on these cases as far as inputting the payment details into ASYCUDA++ at CPC, and the printing of the Release Order at the terminal. Also, the additional charges of NPA have to be settled before release procedures are continued.
      • Release Orders are printed, and attached to declarations.
  10. Gate:  Issue the Exit Gate to allow the containers to leave the port.